by Rabbi Margie Cella
Parashat Beshalach tells the dramatic story of our liberation from Egypt, and the parting of the Red Sea; the Israelites pass through on dry land, escaping Pharaoh and his army. Similarly in the haftarah the judge and prophetess Deborah and her husband Barak celebrate an unprecedented military victory over the Canaanites. Both stories are told as narratives, and then as a beautiful song of praise. There are numerous things connecting these 2 texts B’yachad, together. Moses’ song begins with the word אָז, then (Ex. 15:1); this word appears 5 times in Deborah’s song (Judges 5:8,11,13,19,22). Moses’ first words are אָשִׂירָה לַּ-ה, ashira ladoshem, I will sing to the Lord (15:1); this is echoed in the haftarah (5:3). Both texts speak of עֹז, strength (15:2, 5:21), the chariots (מַרְכְּבֹת) of the enemy (15:4, 5:28), and their horses (סוּס—15:1, 5:22). Pharaoh’s army is swept away in the Red Sea (15: 4-5), the Canaanites in the Kishon River (5:21). We read that not one (עַַד־אֶחָד) of either Pharaoh’s (14:28) or Sisera’s (4:16) men survived.
More importantly, there are strong women represented in both texts. Miriam led the women of Israel in song and dance in praise of Hashem; military victory in the book of Judges was brought about through Deborah and Yael. This Shabbat, Shabbat Shirah, is designated as Women’s League Shabbat.
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