By Debbi Kaner Goldich
Women’s League Convention Chair
Mark your Women’s League calendar diary for Convention 2020, which takes place July 12-15 in Schaumburg, Illinois. Our theme, Sisters Journeying Together, was chosen from the double Torah portion of Matot-Masei read during Convention week, which details the daughters of Zelophachad, who banded together to demand equal rights in a non-egalitarian society. The Convention logo of women holding hands on top of the globe was chosen to show that we are an international organization of Jewish women who join together for the purpose of enhancing Conservative Jewish life.
Convention 2020 will feature many of the same things that you have come to know and appreciate from past years. As in every Women’s League Convention, we will strive to leave our location with a social action project of which we can be proud. We will celebrate our successes in Torah Fund and install new officers of our organization. Convention will reflect our own personal journeys dealing with loss and tragedy, as well as successes and blessings through personal enrichment, leadership training, and education. New this Convention is the shortening of the length of Convention to three days and two nights (Sunday through Tuesday) for all delegates, and the organization leadership will remain for the last day (Wednesday). Also new this year will be that all of the leadership sessions for Region Presidents, Sisterhood Presidents, and Region Torah Fund Vice Presidents will take place before the start of Convention on early Sunday afternoon, so that those women can participate fully in Convention and not sacrifice their own enrichment for the benefit of their Sisterhood or Region. New to this Convention will be the special sessions for first-time delegates to learn about the organization, and what they can expect from being a delegate to Convention. And another new addition will be the “at home” distance learning sessions via Zoom for Sisterhood Presidents to start learning before Convention. Finally, look across the world to our Masorti sisters in Israel, Germany, and Argentina, whom we are hoping to join us via tech for study and camaraderie!
Every journey is enriched through meaningful relationships with people, with God and with our Jewish tradition. Join Women’s League President Margie Miller, Vice Chairs Illene Rubin, Marilyn Berkowitz, Renee Ravich, and me at Convention 2020 to enrich your relationship with God, with your tradition, and most of all, with your Women’s League sisters.
See you in Schaumburg!
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