To inspire, guide, engage, enrich, and empower Conservative Jewish Women
By Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields, Executive Director, Women’s League For Conservative Judaism
Parashat Eikev discusses the relationship between God and the children of Israel, which is grounded on the foundation of love and a covenantal relationship. On behalf of God, Moses promises a blessed land to the children of Israel, and the Torah reading discusses the glory of the land of Israel. The Jordan is crossed and we read about the wooden Ark and the new Tablets. Our reading teaches us the relevance of the commandments to the Land of Israel.
A few well known passages come from Parashat Eikev, such as the second paragraph of the Shema, V’haya Em Shamoa (Deuteronomy 11:13-21), and the verse recited in the Birkat HaMazon, the Grace after Meals, V’achalta v’savata oo’verachta et Adonai Eloheicha al haAtretz hatovah asher natan lach, “When you have eaten your fill, give thanks to the Lord your God for the good land which God has given you.” (Deuteronomy 8:10). A Chesed project for the week of Parashat Eikev can be a food drive. In addition, as a Sisterhood, plan a time to go to a local food kitchen to cook and serve a meal.
Weekly Words of Torah is a brief paragraph prepared weekly by our Executive Director, Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields, presented in our “This Week @ Women’s League.” WWOT will provide meaningful thoughts related to the Weekly Torah Portion, an event on the Calendar, a Prayer, or something of Jewish interest, to inspire, guide, engage, enrich, and empower Conservative Jewish Women. If you have any particular interest in future topics, or want to send Rabbi Wolintz-Fields an email, you can contact her at Read previous Weekly Words of Torah here, and stay up-to-date with the latest WWOT theme, Chesed, here.
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