We learn at a very early age that we need both elements of “words” and “action” to complete blessings and mitzvot. Neither on its own is enough.
In this issue of New Outlook, Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro, the President of the Cantor’s Assembly, challenges us to consider what our personal growth and transformation will be like in this New Year. We feature the undertakings of several exceptional sisterhoods, as they detail various social action projects. We learn about the international outreach of our sisterhood in Saskatoon, Canada to a community in Lagos, Nigeria in Africa. Our WLCJ editorial, “A Call to Action,” summaries our ongoing commitment to social action through accomplishments and resolutions. Our new Executive Director, Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields, shares her perspective on this subject, as well.
Women’s League has always been at the forefront of causes that are important to the preservation of our values, social issues, ritual equality, and the betterment of our communities and the world. It only seems fitting that, as we end our 100th anniversary year, we highlight our continued commitment to the area of social justice. We should all be proud of our many accomplishments, and Women’s League members should strive to ensure that this important work continues. The opportunities are endless for each and every one of us, whether individually or collectively, to fulfill the many mitzvot surrounding the social issues of our day.
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