“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Isaak Waton
Shabbat Shalom!
My bags are packed! Standing at the door, waiting for my Uber! This journey has been a life changing experience! And connecting with all of you every Shabbat, well it has been interesting…messages sent from hotels, airports, from Israel, Cuba, Canada…yet every Shabbat we connected for the past three years…by my calculations that is 156 messages!
This journey was not just a spiritual one (though it was), nor a leadership one (though it was), but a journey to our membership. I traveled more miles than I care to count…I just made A list on Southwest!
This journey, at President of WLCJ..was about being with amazing “sisters”…from the east coast to the west coast, and from Canada down to the Southwest of the USA. This journey, at this moment, seems very short…these past three years have flown by..though I like to say that some days seemed like a month, at least!
I think that it seems so short, because I was having fun, I was honored to represent all of you, and because I had such great company along the way! I huge shout out to Illene Rubin, our Communications Lead, for without Illene each week, this message would never have been posted on our Facebook page..we have a good working system, because of Illene…hugs to you my friend! And, to Karen Block, our PrezNet chair, I was not allowed to post to the PrezNet, but because of Karen, every sisterhood president on our PrezNet, also received this Shabbat message. And, a shout out to Rhonda Kahn, our Communications Director, because one day, she said why don’t we just post this Shabbat message on our website…and it was done! As I said, I had amazing company on this journey!
Yet, the most amazing company was each of you…whether you saw this on your email, Facebook, the PrezNet, or our website…you joined me on this journey. Former leadership, current leadership and future leadership…we all came together each Friday morning (and a few Thursday’s) to share some thoughts.
To those that are joining us tomorrow for our Shabbaton, I look forward to spending a wonderful Shabbat together. For those of you, and we are over 420, joining us for convention starting on Sunday, please travel safe, and I look forward to hugging in person! And, for those of you that cannot join us in person, please join us via live stream on Sunday night @ 6:00 PM (east coast time) to watch our installation of leadership for 2017-2020.
Wishing each of you a meaningful, peaceful and wonderful Shabbat!
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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