“Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it everyday.” – Anonymous
Shabbat Shalom!
To say that the past few weeks have been busy and hectic, as convention comes closer is an understatement!! Our convention chair, Barbara Ezring, and our logistics chair, Renee Ravich, plus our directors and many other volunteers, have been pouring over programs to proof, putting final touches on the sessions, speaking with our guests, among many other activities. This will be an exciting and interesting convention…and as we all like to say, “this will be the bet one ever”!
Yet, planning a convention, as ours, we always have the interests of our diverse group of volunteers..both in age, our communities, our agendas, our backgrounds and so many other variables. Our Jewish families are diverse as well, these days…and that is one of our major focuses of our social action agenda as we begin our next hundred years. It is one of our Bold Steps… that will be a major part of our programming on Monday morning.
Our Modern Jewish Family…the plans are exciting! And, these plans and programs that will be introduced will be something that every member can take home, and use in your sisterhoods, your synagogue communities and your families. it is time that we focus on embracing our differences…and that is just what Women’s League will be doing.
I encourage you to attend convention, meet our diverse group of volunteers, learn ways to do the same at home! I hope that you will be a big part of our Modern Jewish Family!
Wishing each of you a sweet, peaceful and meaningful Shabbat!
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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