April 14 Message

“Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” – Albert Camus

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!

The sederim are behind us….the tables, chairs and seder plate may be put away…but some of us may still have company and if your house is like ours, the matza crumbs tend to win! I hope that each of you had lovely, meaningful and spirited Sederim….with good food, family and friends that are family..that is what makes a beautiful holiday!

The nicest part about Passover, or any holiday, or life for that matter…is that the preparation takes not just a leader and not just a follower, but coming together, working together for the good of all. I have often heard that to lead you need people with you, a leader cannot be a group of one! And, on the flip side, to be a follower you need a good leader…a person with vision, goals and the ability to communicate both. Yet, working side by side, in a kitchen preparing for a seder, in a meeting planning an event, or planning your family vacation….you need that person, working side by side, sharing ideas, sharing opinions (whether requested or not!) and enjoying one another’s company.

My goal is to have each of you by my side…not focused on leading or following..but focused on being together, working together for our common goal…of providing our network of Conservative Jewish women…a place to be together…in our sisterhoods, regions and at Convention!

Wishing each of you a sweet and meaningful Shabbat…
