“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X
Shabbat Shalom!
One area that Women’s League spends a large majority of our time, energy and resources is on our educational programming to support you, our members and our sisterhoods.
Why? Because we understand that we need to continually inform our members about new ways to provide programming for their sisterhoods. From our very beginning, when our founder, Mathilde Schechter’s vision was about educating our members about kashrut, prayer, bible and living a Jewish life in North America. In those early days, there was a cadre of leaders that would travel the country, by train, visiting communities both large and small. Today, our vision has not changed and we still have a cadre of leaders traveling the country, sharing ideas with our sisterhoods, and talking about leadership development, programming ideas and so much more…our focus is still about education.
WLCJ takes education seriously….because we want to ensure that our sisterhoods and members are ready for the future…that we need to continually change what we do, so that we remain relevant for each of YOU!
We do this, not only by having consultants visit your communities, but by holding Distance Workshops monthly…this past week we had an excellent one hour session on Nominations. I encourage you to check out the Distance Workshop schedule on our website…these workshops are free, one hour and for all members. We also have our new “Personal Conversations”…topics that are of interest for every woman…our next one is January 24th, and the topic is “Aging is not for sissies”! You can register on our website, www.wlcj.org. And, we are preparing for the future…for our siyum at convention…and starting in February we will be holding three study sessions, available to everyone.
Staying educated and relevant…is our goal! We hope that you each share the information with your other “sisters” and that you join us at these workshops listed above, or plan to join us at convention in July….registration is opening this week! And, convention is our ultimate project in preparing each of us for our future.
Wishing each of you a meaningful and peaceful Shabbat!
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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