“If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.” – Unknown
Shabbat Shalom!
And the shopping frenzy is on! From emails this morning from any website that you have ever visited to the human interest stories on the news…of those people that have slept outside or lined up since last night….the end of the year holidays are upon us! At least this year Chanukah does not coincide with our American Thanksgiving..when we combined latkes with turkey and pumpkin pie! Which, happily, gives us some time to reflect about this time of year.
Yesterday, those of us that celebrated our American tradition of Thanksgiving…gave us the opportunity to think about what we are thankful for….around our holiday table we all share our thoughts about what we are thankful for…from my 91 year old mother to our 3 year old granddaughter…a tradition that focuses not on material things but on appreciation of those in our lives..those that make our lives a blessing.
From Black Friday, to Cyber Monday…to #GivingTuesday! I have to say I love this new addition to this time of the year. A day set aside to give back…a favorite concept of mine! So many of us are so fortunate to have had an education, to make our lives better…whether it was attending college, taking classes at your local JCC or attending a Women’s League Institute…it was all to learn more, to make each of us not only more knowledgable Judaically, but to help us to understand our culture and to make us a better person.
This year, as we did last year, WLCJ is participating in #GivingTuesday! Our focus is to support our study days in Israel for the women throughout the conservative Kehillot throughout the country. Diane Friedgut, our liaison in Israel, with her team of volunteers, plan study days twice a year with the support of WLCJ. Once in February, where there are two study days planned, typically one in the north and one in the south and then in June at the Schechter Institute. WLCJ is proud to be able to help sponsor this program, which we have done for more years than I can count! These study days are open to all…so if your travel plans include a trip to Israel during February or June…let Diane know and she will send you all of the information.
I hope that you and everyone you know will help us to reach our goal of $5,000.00 this year. Make a donation on our website or through your Facebook page….share it with your friends…go on the WLCJ Facebook page to help us to spread the word. We know that there are many organizations that are participating in #GivingTuesday…we hope that you will help WLCJ support our Study Days in Israel in some small way too.
Wishing each of you a sweet, peaceful and meaningful Shabbat,
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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