“A healthy attitude is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” – Tom Stoppard
Shabbat Shalom!
The haggim are behind us….the past month has been a flurry of preparations, holiday meals, meaningful services, reflection and promises to be better, do more….and this Wednesday it was all behind us. I heard this week in shul, that we celebrate Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah separately, here in the diaspora, so that we can cling to the holiday season for one more day! I love that attitude! Always looking to expand the celebration.
A good attitude, to me says it all! When it comes to our friends, families and our members…having a good attitude makes all of the difference between positive experiences and those experiences that just cause us angst. So, very simply put…let’s make this new year, 5777,the year of good, healthy attitudes…and don’t wait to have others show this positive attitude first….be the one that spreads this healthy, positive attitude first! Think of it as smiling and sharing a good word….first….and see what happens!
Wishing each of you a meaningful, peaceful and joyful Shabbat,
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