“Know where to find the information and how to use it – that’s the secret of success.” – Albert Einstein
Shabbat Shalom!
We all want to succeed! That is a no brainer! As I speak to many of you, our members, regardless of the city or town, the conversation typically circles around succeeding. Whether that is by looking towards increasing membership, finding new women to take on leadership roles or simply planning a program or event that will have a waiting list because too many people want to attend or there are so many special interest groups that there are not enough places to meet.
Those scenarios, and so many more is what we are striving to accomplish. And Women’s League is there, right by your side, providing support and information…hoping that you know where to look or who to reach out to….and then, sharing that information with your sisterhoods, friends and yes, even your clergy.
The WLCJ website is a wealth of information….www.wlcj.org. I always encourage our women to promise to spend 30 minutes, just once a week with a glass of wine or cup of coffee, and browse. There is so much there! It is your resource, 24/6, to find information that can help your sisterhood and your members, without leaving your house.
This week, WLCJ was all about sharing information to help you succeed. Five new consultants were trained to be able to come to you, to give suggestions and work with you individually to succeed. How can you take advantage of that…for no cost to you? Please contact Sandy Berenbaum (sberenbaum@wlcj.org) to schedule a consultant to come to your community to share the information so that you can take another step toward success.
This week, WLReads, had an amazing session with Lauren Belfer, the author of “And After the Fire: Novel”, which was our last book selection for our online book club. The online discussion is always interesting and enlightening, and the interview certainly helped us all to understand the characters and the authors perspective. Look on our website in the coming weeks for our next selection for our online book club. Did you know that some of our sisterhoods and members gather in someone’s home when the interviews are scheduled, put their speakerphone on, and use it as a program…a successful evening, for sure!
This week, the Women’s League Shabbat materials for 2017 were posted on the website. If you are looking for a d’var torah, a reading, a message or simply information to help plan your special Shabbat, look no further than our website. The information is there, not only for 2017 but several years back…the information can also be used for any parsha.
Well, now you know where to find some information…I urge you to take that step…to use it. And that is the secret of success!
Wishing each of you a sweet, peaceful and meaningful Shabbat,
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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