Welcome to our second issue of New Outlook for Women’s League. We hope you enjoyed the first issue, and that you’ve checked out the comments online.
As I sit in the Florida heat and humidity, my thoughts are already geared to the fall holidays that will bring cool breezes and the opportunity to start anew. This year, blessed as we are to have the entire month of September to prepare, I invite you to think about the future that is reflected in the high holiday themes.
Just as we look to make changes for the better in our personal lives, we also look beyond ourselves and beyond our communities, to try and make a difference in the wider world. Tikkun olam, improving the world that we live in, has been a focus of Women’s League since its inception almost 100 years ago. For the past six decades, we made the decisions that would guide our actions at our biennial conventions. Armed with knowledge of Jewish law and tradition, we addressed issues from women’s reproductive health and safety, drugs, literacy, and hunger, to Israel (even before it became a state), the ordination of women, and more. (You can read all our resolutions on our webpage.)
We are still exceedingly proud of those dynamic convention world affairs sessions, and the approved resolutions that became the focus of our social action and public policies. But in keeping with the times, participation in the process was limited to those at convention. However, in today’s world of instant information, we understand the need to discuss potential new policies in real time, when our response to world events can’t wait for the next convention.
Now, every Women’s League member, whether through her local sisterhood or as an individual, can participate in setting our policy direction. Members like you are invited to present a topic for consideration to our new Resolutions Team. Once the team has researched the topic and reached a recommendation, they will send it to the executive committee for approval and then post it online for discussion by all. A process that used to take years can now take just a few weeks! We hope to engage and involve many of our members across North America. I am asking you to help us keep the Women’s League resolutions vital, timely and practical, especially at this time of year.
Another change for Women’s League is the arrival of Rebecca Spivak in our new position of Director of Operations. Please join me in welcoming Rebecca, a dynamic and experienced young woman who comes to Women’s League with a lot of enthusiasm and insight. We are sure her experiences and growth-oriented approach will help secure our next 100 years.
Just as I know that the Florida heat will subside, thoughts of the fall’s many blessings keep me going. From our family to each of yours, we wish you a year filled with health, happiness and peace at home, in Israel and worldwide.
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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