“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Shabbat Shalom!
I truly believe this quote…there is nothing better than working together…call it a committee, group, or what I prefer, a team!
We each bring our own strengths to the table….combining our talents, ideas and love of the task….working together can be so much more fun and so much more satisfying.
One of the very best things about being a member of WLCJ, is that we gain not only skills in participating, but that we learn from one another. That we learn from women younger and older…that we come together for accomplish a task and when that task is completed we can celebrate together.
During this time of the year, we tend to start working on our calendars, planning events, programs, special interest groups, etc. It sometimes can be our culture where we have one chair, let’s make this coming year, the year where we have teams working together….the results are that we have more volunteers committed to the task, they share the excitement of the planning and together they can accomplish so much more!
This month WLCJ has two opportunities for you, and your sisterhood leadership to come together so that ultimately we can do so much more together. On July 18th, there is a Distance Workshop geared especially for all of our sisterhood presidents. You will learn how to get your members to come together, to work together and in the process have a year of teamwork. All you need to do is go on the WLCJ website and register…no cost..just an hour of your time on the evening of the 18th.
The other opportunity to learn about “coming together” and all that we can accomplish together…whether collectively or individually is our next Leadership Institute. We will be gathering in Chicago on Sunday and Monday (July 31st and August 1st) and the best news is that we still have a few empty seats….one with your name on it! Our Leadership Institutes are not just for sisterhood presidents, our Leadership Institutes are for everyone….members, up and coming leaders, individual members..there is something for everyone….because the skills acquired can be used in any facet of our lives.
Wishing each of you a sweet and peaceful Shabbat!
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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