“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee
Shabbat Shalom!
I am sure that many of you have felt the way that I did this week…..that there was a flurry of appointments, calls, etc., that were sort of put on hold during Passover. That it was back to business, as usual!
This past week, I had the wonderful opportunity to connect, again, with some of the wonderful women of Agudas Achim in San Antonio, Texas. We talked about the arrival of “The New Outlook” that came just before Passover. And also caught up on some of the ideas that we had discussed when I was with them in January. It is always such a treat, for me, to meet up with our wonderful volunteers even when I travel for my paid job!
It was also an opportunity to talk about creating teams to work on events and programs, and the variety of ways that we each have in attacking the same project or event. Not that any one way is right or wrong, it is just that we each bring our own skill set and personality into the way we work on anything that we do. Which made me start thinking about how lucky we are that we do bring our own skills to the table when we work on a team to accomplish a goal.
That is what makes our sisterhoods so special…there is always new ideas and new ways of doing things…we should always be open to accomplishing the same task or goal in different ways. We should embrace our uniqueness, we should each have faith in ourselves that we can bring our ideas to the table and that we will be heard. And that success can reached in a variety of ways.
One of the best things about each of us is that we don’t have the same skill sets, that we are different and that we each bring our own personalities to our sisterhoods. Could you imagine if we all did the same things, in the same way, year after year?
We should all be so thankful that we each bring different strengths to our communities…to embrace who we are, embrace the concept that combining our talents and ideas it makes each of us better volunteers and better individuals.
Wishing each of you a meaningful and peaceful Shabbat….and for those of you sharing Mother’s Day with mothers, children, grandchildren, aunts, sisters, cousins and friends…a very Happy Mother’s Day!
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