“The person who is waiting for something to turn up might start with their shirt sleeves.” – Garth Henrichs
Shabbat Shalom!
Early Wednesday morning I got on a plane to do one of the things that I love best about my job, as your present, and that is to meet women, that are members in each of our regions. Wednesday morning I headed out to the San Francisco Bay Area. A huge Todah Rabah goes to Dana Sirkin, NxNW region president for putting this trip together. Needless to say, we hit the ground running…as soon as we landed and found a car with a USB we were off to Sacramento (meeting the current and incoming president from Mosaic Law) and then dinner in Walnut Creek (with a wonderful group of leaders from B’nai Shalom). Today we were in Saratoga and met women from both sisterhoods in the area, Beth David and Congregation Sinai.
In each place we talked about the opportunities that we have to connect our women to their respective sisterhoods…to create a community for their women…and to figure out where each of the sisterhoods fit in the big picture within their synagogues. We figuratively rolled up our sleeves, and talked…shared ideas…..and spoke about the value of Women’s League!
We also spoke about personal connections, and that sometimes all someone needs to do is reach out and ask someone to help start a Torah Fund campaign or help with a small task…Dana and I heard a story about a women that belonged to the synagogue for many years but had never participated because she had never been asked! To,those of us that get involved immediately it is hard to understand but there are many potential members out there…we just need to roll our sleeves up, pick up the phone (yes, like in the good old days) and ask!
Earlier in the week our Centennial Team had our first brainstorming meeting! We are getting ready to roll up our sleeves and start thinking about our approaching 100th anniversary…with our big kickoff at Convention 2017… …but we need everyone to be a part of this process, we are not waiting for something to turn up…we are asking each of you and your friends. What are we asking? We would like to know how you think Women’s League should celebrate it’s 100th anniversary? How can your sisterhood be a part of the festivities? We would love 100 ideas to make this celebration memorable and meaningful, fun and informative for all of our members.
Please email your suggestions to me (csimon@wlcj.org) or to Evelyn Seelig (beseelig@optonline.net) or Margie Miller (mmiller@wlcj.org), our co-chairs.
Wishing each of you a sweet, meaningful and lovely Shabbat,
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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