“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – Chris Grosser
Shabbat Shalom!
Many of you have heard me say, “that we have no problems, we have challenges and opportunities”! I truly believe that if we look at problems as opportunities. That we can then create solutions which changes something that could take us down into something that gives us amazing opportunities. To look at any situation, regardless whether it is at our sisterhoods or families, we need to think about the possibilities..we need to create solutions!
If something doesn’t go exactly as planned…we have two options. We can moan and groan or we can look at the situation and think about where the opportunity is in this situation…like making lemonade out of lemons! Opportunities are always there…we just need to think positively to create them.
This time of year, many of us are focused on getting our homes, and especially out kitchens ready for Passover. By doing this we are creating the opportunity to not only clean, but to go through our “things” and donate them to a shelter, a thrift shop or another place where the items can be put to good use. We are creating good out of a task that we may not be looking forward to doing!
Today each of you have an opportunity to help me to get out a message! You can each help us (WLCJ) to create a larger group of women that we can connect to. So what is that opportunity? You have heard me say that because we are a non-profit, our members need to “opt in”. We have taken this situation and created an opportunity to make “Click It” even easier! There is now a little “Click It” icon on our home page on our website (www.wlcj.org). If you click it and check the little box that says, “I will accept periodic emails from WLCJ”…then you will be able to receive our eblasts. It will enable WLCJ to connect to even more members…a goal of this administration.
No matter what we do…we can always create an opportunity to do good!
Wishing each of you a sweet and meaningful Shabbat!
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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