“For me, life is about being positive and helpful, choosing to be joyful, choosing to be encouraging, choosing to be empowering.” – Billy Porter
Shabbat Shalom!
When I came across this quote last week, I just knew that I needed to share it with all of you! This is my goal each and every day and I am sure yours as well. It is what we should all strive to day…being positive and helpful, smiling, encourage those around us and to be empowering…Whew!
I always think about how this not only relates to our lives, with family and friends, but how we can relate it to our sisterhoods..large or small, in big cities or very small communities…the goals should not be any different.
Many of us, just spent hours working to get ready for Purim, make hamantaschen and stuff bags filled with goodies to be shared with others. If you stop and think about what you were doing and the atmosphere in the room….the job was less daunting and really not a job at all if everyone around you was being helpful, positive, jovial and encouraging as you got the task done. Did you empower your helpers to stuff the bag any way as long as the required items were in the bag? I certainly hope so! We all grow because we are empowered to take on a task and get it done…we may get to the end on different paths, but as long as the task is completed is all that counts.
I hope is that we all are positive, helpful, encouraging and empowering…not only in our sisterhoods, but to each other…and our families, as well, this week and in all the weeks to come. It works in every facet of your lives.
And, as Purim is behind us, we are all focused on the cleaning, shopping and cooking for Pesach….we do need to keep this quote in mind!
Shabbat Shalom,
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