“Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded.” – Jennifer Ellison
Shabbat Shalom!
During this time of the year, many of us will be spending time with children, grandchildren, family and friends. We may be spending this time in our homes, vacation spots or staying with relatives. Regardless, of where or with whom, it is a time to focus on our relationships. Being with those that we love, that we care about is what we all strive for…regardless if they are relatives or our friends that are our family. These are the things that ground us!
Our relationships that many of us are fortunate to have created through our volunteer work in our sisterhood, in our regions and throughout our WLCJ world, also ground us. Yes, there are challenges (we have no problems!) and situations that can be difficult, that try our patience and our souls. Yet, we are blessed! We are blessed with the love and friendships of our “sisters”. These relationships are what we all take away every day..these relationships ground us. These relationships have changed my life, and I am sure yours as well. When I am asked why Sisterhood? Why do we need a gender based women’s group? It is because I have “sisters” all over North America that I care about, that care about me, that share the same values and if it wasn’t for WLCJ we never would have met. And, that is what keeps me grounded!
For those that are traveling, travel safely! For those visiting with your loved ones….enjoy your time together.
Wishing each of you a very peaceful and meaningful Shabbat,
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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