“Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go – and then do it.” – Ann Landers
Shabbat Shalom!
How many of our sisterhoods still meet during the day? When I first became involved with my sisterhood meetings were Wednesday morning at 11:00. And, I know that as I hear from some of you, and travel around our regions, in fact, this is still true. Are we hanging on to customs and traditions that are causing potential members to not be able to participate because of work, other commitments, classes and yes, even Mah Jong? Too many times I hear from sisterhoods that are numbers are dwindling, the same women are participating, how do we get new women to join us… you know the comments!
It is scary to change! We know that the babies are the only thing that like to be changed… sometimes!
It is scary to change! Our consultants at conferences and our mentors working with our sisterhoods talk about change..and it sounds great, but many times we go home all energized to really let go… but then we are stopped… by boards or groups that are unsure that it will make any difference.
It is scary to change! But we need to be strong and do it! Will it be the answers to all of our challenges, definitely not. But it is a start. At your next board meeting, I am counting on each of you to bring this topic up for discussion… evaluate when your meetings are…do you hold events and meetings only during the day? Are they on the same day all the time? Be strong and let go… change just one thing… the day or time. If that works..be strong..and change something else.
It is scary to change… but to be a sisterhood for the women in our synagogue community we need to show that we are welcoming and inclusive…and let’s start with letting go of our old customs and creating new ones!
Wishing each of you a meaningful and peaceful Shabbat,
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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