Every month, Success Bulletins offers tips on how to move your sisterhood forward. Please let us know if there are any specific issues you would like us to address. This month we offer some updates on Convention 2014 and the new website.
Convention 2014 registration will open March 3. Be sure your sisterhood has set aside money in the budget for you, as president, and one or two up and coming new leaders to attend. We have built in an early bird discount and an additional first-timer discount for those who register before May 5.
There will be a selection of workshops designed to answer your needs, as you indicated in the presidents’ survey.
Watch the Women’s League website for program details.
A special invitation
Nominate your sisterhood for a Jewels in the Crown Award!
We want to acknowledge YOU, the glittering jewels in the Women’s League crown. The 2012-2014 awards will be presented at a special program befitting royalty. Don’t be left out!
The Jewels in the Crown Award was created to honor achievement in these categories:
Awards are based upon the completion of a specific distribution of activities within each category from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014. Sisterhoods can apply for only one award.
In addition, special recognition will be given to sisterhoods who submit an outstanding original program.
Let us know every time you fulfill one of the categories, with a brief description, and we will post it to Facebook.
Application deadline is April 11, 2014.
Award form is attached with the criteria as well as instructions for nominating your sisterhood.
We welcome this opportunity to recognize the work of your members who give so much of themselves. We look forward to hearing about your sisterhood and your wonderful achievements.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Harriet Merkowitz and Renee Ravich, Jewels in the Crown Award Chairs.
Go to www.wlcj.org today and download the guide for sisterhood presidents (linked to the introductory paragraph on the home page).
The guide contains everything you need to access your sisterhood data, update your per capita list and let Women’s League know who holds all your sisterhood positions in one place. You can use the same system for compiling addresses and emails so that you don’t have to maintain a separate data base.
Be sure that everyone in your sisterhood logs into the website, as well, and agrees to receive emails from Women’s League. This can be the best way to network your members into the Women’s League network for all Conservative Jewish women.
Our most popular areas — Mishpachah: The Modern Jewish Family, Health & Wellness Network, Orpahs’ List, CJ magazine, Convention 2014 — are now clearly linked on the homepage.
Two new RESOURCES to ease your use of the website
Changing Sisterhood as We Know It: Thinking Strategically for the Future
Strategic planning consists of selecting the right leadership to pursue change, incorporating an open environment and gaining trust from those who are wary of change. This workshop will create some vision, identify opportunities, make a pathway to establish alliances, and encourage risk taking to improve services to the sisterhood membership.
We encourage you to take these steps toward sisterhood success now:
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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