The Media (1992)

The Media (Amended) (1992)

The First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. These are hallmarks of a free society, and the Jewish community has rightfully cherished these freedoms and worked hard to preserve them. Censorship is a policy we reject totally.

We are aware, however, of abuses of these freedoms and are disturbed by the excesses of pornographic materials, sensational reporting, violence, inaccurate and incomplete coverage and bias in the media, particularly regarding Israel.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism therefore, resolves:

  1. It is the responsibility of the media to be self-restraining and to monitor and to correct inaccurate reportage and biased coverage prominently and in a timely manner.
  2. We have an obligation to be discerning and critical consumers of the media.
  3. It is our responsibility to express disapproval of inaccuracies through appropriate channels, i.e. to editors, radio and television station managers, by mail, telephone or personal contact, and to use our influence to elevate the quality of the media environment.